Equipment for Cleaning Sewage

Kontaktujte nás

Ing. Jaromír Vraštil, vedoucí obchodního úseku
Tel.: 602 174 120

Equipment for Cleaning Sewage

We offer technological equipment for sewage treatment in following assortment.

Cleaning of water containing metals

(lead, chromium, zinc, nickel, aluminum, copper, cadmium, silver, etc…)

  • Neutralization stations for galvanizing shops and other surface treatment plant
  • Neutralization stations for chemical polishing or glass etching
  • Treatment plants for wastewater from furniture lye-dipping
  • Sewage treatment stations for incinerators of municipal and dangerous waste with wet washing of waste gasses
  • Sewage treatment stations for glass silvering plant

Treatment of wastewater containing oil substances

  • Cleaning of used degreasing baths and washing water
  • Wastewater treatment plants for car washes
  • Cleaning of water from vehicle parking
  • Cleaning of used cutting (cooling) fluids
  • Cleaning wastewater from painting boxes with water separation

Cleaning water containing dissolved substances

  • Cleaning wastewater containing paints diluted by water

Cleaning water containing solid particles

  • Cleaning wastewater from mechanical treatment of materials, e.g. tumbling, glass grinding, stone truing
  • Cleaning wastewater from separators of solid matters

Delivery of the Equipment for Cleaning Sewage

We proceed in solving each business case according to the needs and requirements of every client, individually. The scope of the delivery may include anything beginning from the item delivery of individual components to the complete resolution of technological part of the construction, including:

  • The technology resolution
  • The design of the technological part of the construction
  • The delivery of the equipment components
  • The assembly and commissioning including electric installations and control systems
  • The quality warranty for technological processes and their outputs

The supplier's warranty for the equipment function differs according to the delivery scope. Delivery and other commercial conditions are governed pursuant to the concluded business contract and valid laws.

Technology is designed by IMPEA, s.r.o. Hradec Králové most often.

AVT, s.r.o. provides the post-guarantee service for all the supplied equipment.

Please, request for the detail technical and commercial information.

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