Vertical Cylindrical Tanks with Flat Bottom

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Ing. Jaromír Vraštil, vedoucí obchodního úseku
Tel.: 602 174 120

Construction design of plastic cylindrical tanks with flat bottom

The constructional and material designs of tanks are performed always individually for a specific purpose according to the working conditions and with respect to the client's specific needs.

The most used constructional variants are:

  • Type A – tank with horizontal bottom
  • Type B – tank with sloping bottom

Tanks may be built-in in a plastic retaining sump (doubled jacket).

Tank VSP - type ATank VSP - type B
Tank VSP - Type ATank VSP - Type B

Lids of tanks may be of the flat or conical type, welded to the shell or removable, and stiffened (reinforced) for an additional load according to their need. Lids, in addition to the technological orifices, are usually equipped with square or circular manholes or inspection holes.

Data for item delivery of cylindrical tanks with flat bottom

It is necessary to submit the following data for the elaboration of a technical design and business offer:

  • Purpose for the tank use
  • Constructional variant and the other requirements due to the constructional design
  • Way of seating the tank
  • Working volume of the tank, basic dimensions of the tank required (Diameter – D, Height – H, H1, bottom angle – α)
  • Chemical composition of medium
  • Physical properties of medium (density, temperature, etc.)
  • Location of the tank, surrounding temperature and the influence of the other outside effects
  • Requirements for tank equipment and accessories

We provide expert's consulting during data elaboration.

Please, request for the detail technical and commercial information.

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